
Jets on Saturn's moon Enceladus not geysers from underground ocean

Water vapor jets that spew from the surface of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus are not really geysers from an underground ocean as initially envisioned by planetary scientists, according to a study led by the University of Colorado ...

Could Maxwell's Demon Exist in Nanoscale Systems?

(PhysOrg.com) -- Maxwell’s demon may be making a comeback. Physicists know that the demon, an imaginary creature that decreases the entropy of a system, cannot exist in macroscopic systems due to the energy it requires ...

How mitochondria get their membranes bent

Underneath their smooth surface mitochondria harbor an elaborately folded inner membrane. It holds a multitude of bottleneck like invaginations, which expand into elongated cavities. Now researchers have identified two proteins ...

First acoustic metamaterial 'superlens' created

A team of researchers at the University of Illinois has created the world's first acoustic "superlens," an innovation that could have practical implications for high-resolution ultrasound imaging, non-destructive structural ...

First Smartphone with 1GHZ Processor (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Looks like the Apple iPhone 3G S may soon have some serious competition with the soon to be announced, Toshiba TG01 smartphone. The TG01 is expected to be officially announced at the Mobile World Congress ...

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