
Wine producers leading climate change adaptation

A new study investigating wine regions' adaptation to climate change has found that many wine producers in South Australia's McLaren Vale are leading the world at responding to future risk.

Searching for more giant squid clues

The giant squid is a rare and elusive creature, once thought only to exist in tales of sea monsters called krakens. 

UCSB anthropologist studies cattle ranchers in Brazilian Amazon

For over a century, the rubber tappers of Acre, Brazil collected the valuable sap of the rubber trees from the forests of the western Amazon. As the demand for natural rubber declined, however, the Brazilian government sought ...

Asteroid searchers take the high ground

Everyone knows that if you want to see a great distance, getting up higher makes for a better view. University of Calgary researchers are following that principle to make ground-breaking discoveries of asteroids in near-Earth ...

Photo-immunotherapy boosts nanoparticle delivery to tumors

(Phys.org)—One of the main reasons that nanoparticles can boost the effectiveness of an anticancer drug while decreasing its toxicity is that they are able to accumulate at cancerous sites in the body through the abnormally ...

Virus that causes grapevine red blotch disease identified

(Phys.org)—New DNA sequencing technology has been used to identify the virus that causes red blotch, a disease that discolors grape leaves in fall and lowers sugar levels in grapes, agricultural nursery managers were told ...

Jets' contrails contribute to heat-trapping high-level clouds

Condensation trails that airplanes produce mean not only a white-streaked sky on some days, but an increase in the amount of high-level clouds and, by extension, warming temperatures, according to a Penn State researcher.

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