
Report: Earth's diversity is diminishing

The Convention on Biological Diversity, meeting in Brazil, says virtually all indicators of the diversity of life on Earth are increasingly negative.

U.S. to increase wild bird avian flu tests

U.S. scientists are increasing the number of wild birds being tested for avian flu in an attempt to identify the disease as soon as it enters the nation.

Poll: Public clueless about IPTV

Internet protocol TV has a significant potential market in several Western countries, despite a recent poll showing many people have no idea what it is. The prediction and the poll both come from Accenture, an international ...

Internet TV strides forward in Germany

Internet television took another step forward Tuesday following Deutsche Telekom's announcement that it would join forces with software behemoth Microsoft to develop Internet protocol television services to its clients across ...

First Results from DESY's New Free-Electron Laser

The first measuring period for external users at the new X-ray radiation source VUV-FEL at DESY in Hamburg (Germany) has been successfully concluded. Since its official startup in August 2005, a total of 14 research teams ...

The locked migration of giant protoplanets

In an article to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, two British astronomers present new numerical simulations of how planetary systems form. They find that, in the early stages of planetary formation, giant protoplanets ...

First images of flowing nano ripples

Delft University of Technology (Holland) researchers have shed new light on the formation of nanoscale surface features, such as nano ripples. These features are important because they could be useful as templates for growing ...

Fish collection moves into the digital age

University of California-San Diego scientists say the same technology used to image brain tumors is taking the field of marine biology to new dimensions.

Satellites help find deep ocean whirlpools

An international team of scientists says they've developed a method of using satellites to peer beneath of ocean's surface to study underwater currents.

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