
Remote Kimberley teeming with unclassified life

A WA Museum herpetologist has described several 'new' Kimberley frog species, mostly collected during field trips with Kings Park botanists Matt and Russell Barrett.

Researchers use waste slag to create energy and cut emissions

Slag is a molten mixture of process waste ashes from the power and metallurgical industries. In gasification, slag is made from mineral impurities that remain after a carbon feedstock such as coal has been gasified. In metal ...

Arnhem plants the world's first 'urban climate tree'

Arnhem has planted the world's first ever stadsklimaatboom ('urban climate tree') in the Sonsbeekkwartier. This district is experiencing serious heat problems, which are known as the 'urban heat island effect'. The tree will ...

New survey begins mapping nearby galaxies

A new survey called MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory) has been launched that will greatly expand our understanding of galaxies, including the Milky Way, by charting the internal structure and composition ...

Demystifying the dis-domestication of consumer products

Prolonging the lifespan of products is vital in order to decouple economic success from environmental impact, according to Marie Hebrok of the National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) in Oslo, Norway. Writing in the ...

Are flexible parents adaptable parents?

(Phys.org) —The flexibility of parental behaviours to respond to changes in behaviour of their offspring may actually constrain the ability of parents to adapt to changes in their wider environment.

Sensata to buy Schrader Intl in $1 billion deal

Sensata Technologies plans to inflate its presence in pressure sensing equipment with a $1 billion deal to buy privately held Schrader International, which makes tire pressure monitoring sensors.

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