
Ocean warming could drive heavy rain bands toward the poles

In a world warmed by rising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, precipitation patterns are going to change because of two factors: one, warmer air can hold more water; and two, changing atmospheric circulation patterns ...

Ebola has profound effects on wildlife population dynamics

New research in gorillas that were affected by an Ebola virus outbreak shows that disease can influence reproductive potential, immigration and social dynamics, and it highlights the need to develop complex models that integrate ...

Did an exceptional iceberg sink the Titanic?

While the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 is typically blamed on human, design and construction errors, a new Significance paper points to 2 other unfavorable factors outside human control: there were a greater number of icebergs ...

Beautiful morning conjunction

Sleeping late is one of the simple pleasures of summer vacation. This week, waking up early will be a pleasure, too.

Cherry picking molecules based on their Pi electrons

Specialized windshield glass, everyday plastic water bottles, and countless other products are based on ethylene, a simple two-carbon molecule, which requires an energy-intense separation process to pluck the desired chemical ...

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