
Cells: The body's ultimate sports car

(PhysOrg.com) -- Anand Asthagiri can think of several reasons why a scientist would want to get behind the wheel of a cell — which he calls the “ultimate driving machine.” Having the ability to move a cell ...

3Qs: Breaking into the boardroom

Last week, a debate began over the European Union considering legislation that would create quotas for the number of women in in top business positions. Northeastern University news office asked Laura Frader, professor of ...

Power of love at heart of 'gay marriage'

Legal rights and protections play second fiddle to the power of love for younger gay and lesbian couples who have formed civil partnerships, according to a three-year study by researchers at The University of Manchester.

ChronoZoom: A deep dive into the history of everything

Imagine a timeline of the universe, complete with high-resolution videos and images, in which you could zoom from a chronology of Egypt’s dynasties and pyramids to the tale of a Japanese-American couple interned in a ...

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