
Protecting history with satellites

Looking down from orbit is an attractive way of monitoring historical sites in remote or politically unstable regions – and can even help archaeologists to make new discoveries.

A new model of social class

The BBC has published the results from the 'Great British Class Survey' which has revealed a new model of social class with seven categories ranging from the Elite at the top to a 'Precariat' at the bottom.

Razor clam research has a sharp edge

(Phys.org) —A barefoot encounter with a Razor Clam is not a pleasant experience, just ask anyone who has had their feet sliced open in the shallows of picturesque Lake Macquarie, north of Sydney.

NASA flies radar south on wide-ranging expedition

(Phys.org) —A versatile NASA airborne imaging radar system is showcasing its broad scientific prowess for studying our home planet during a month-long expedition over the Americas.

Measuring the seeds of noctilucent clouds

(Phys.org) —A constant stream of space debris flows toward Earth from the rest of the solar system. Large meteors can sometimes survive the intense friction and heat upon entering Earth's atmosphere, but by and large the ...

Shining light on elusive dark matter

The antimatter hunter AMS-02 on the International Space Station is searching for the missing pieces of our Universe. The project's first results published yesterday are hinting at a new phenomenon and revealing more about ...

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