
Saturday Citations: E-bike accident spike; epigenetics in memory formation; Komodo dragons now scarier

This week, we reported on new epigenetic findings in memory formation as well as a dramatic spike in micromobility-related head injuries, so there's a whole lot of head-related science on the front burner these days. There ...

Space Exploration

Spacecraft to swing by Earth, moon on path to Jupiter

A spacecraft launched last year will slingshot back around Earth and the moon next month in a high-stakes, world-first maneuver as it pinballs its way through the solar system to Jupiter.

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Tech Xplore

Raman spectroscopy offers new insights into ionic liquid acidity

Researchers at the University of Liège have for the first time determined the acidity of ionic liquids using Raman spectroscopy, thanks to Hammett acidity functions. This advance promises to revolutionize our understanding ...

Using fire management to see how ticks... tick

The morning alarm goes off, and it's time to get ready for work. Ph.D. student Samuel Gilvarg has already pretreated his clothes with permethrin insecticide. All that's left is to pull his socks up and over his pant legs.

Is this how you get hot Jupiters?

When we think of Jupiter-type planets, we usually picture massive cloud-covered worlds orbiting far from their stars. That distance keeps their volatile gases from vaporizing from stellar heat, similar to what we're familiar ...