
Research investigates chemical composition of globular cluster Terzan 6

Astronomers have performed a comprehensive chemical study of a Galactic globular cluster known as Terzan 6. Results of the study, presented in a research paper published June 11 on the pre-print server arXiv, could advance ...

Bio & Medicine

Scientists use tyrosine nanomedicine to halt melanoma growth

An international research team used a common amino acid, tyrosine, packaged as a nanomedicine, to change the metabolism of melanoma, a deadly skin cancer, and prevent cancer growth.

Physicists find a new way to represent π

While investigating how string theory can be used to explain certain physical phenomena, scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have stumbled upon on a new series representation for the irrational number π. ...

Ultra-high spectral purity revealed in exciton-polariton laser

Exciton-polariton lasers, renowned for their low-power operation, have long tantalized researchers with their promise for practical low-energy applications. However, until now, a clean measurement of the laser's linewidth, ...

AI helps uncover early cell changes in ALS progression

New research from the University of St Andrews and the University of Copenhagen has harnessed the power of AI to generate new insights into the progression of ALS.

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Tech Xplore

Antifreeze proteins show promise for organ preservation

Cryogenic damage has long presented a significant barrier to effective organ preservation, posing challenges to advancements in transplantation and medical treatments. The formation of ice crystals during freezing can compromise ...

Using camelid nanobodies for food allergen surveillance

Food allergies pose significant health risks, affecting millions worldwide, with the prevalence rising over the past decades. Traditional detection methods, such as monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, are often costly, ...

Tipping points: Understanding the green Sahara's collapse

Abrupt shifts within complex systems such as the Earth's climate system are extremely hard to predict. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have ...