Sandwich structure of nanocrystals as quantum light source

Excited photo-emitters can cooperate and radiate simultaneously, a phenomenon called superfluorescence. Researchers from Empa and ETH Zurich, together with colleagues from IBM Research Zurich, have recently been able to create ...

New bus system tops off batteries in just 15 seconds

( —A new type of battery bus system being tested in Switzerland is able to operate continually by making use of flash-charging stations. Called Trolleybus Optimisation Systeme Alimentation (TOSA), the new bus and ...

Swiss firm says its new switch to aid green energy (Update)

A Swiss engineering group said Wednesday it has developed a new circuit breaker that will help utilities transfer power over longer distances, making for more efficient and reliable electric supplies.

Measures for appointing more female professors prove effective

Since 2014, "equal! The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity" has documented the status of equal opportunities for men and women at ETH Zurich in an annual Gender Monitoring report. The latest report has been renamed ...

Horses masticate similarly to ruminants

In contrast to ruminants, horses chew their food only once—but with the same regu-lar, rhythmic movements as cows, who ruminate their food after eating, as demon-strated by researchers at the University of Zurich and the ...

Fungus attacks new type of grain thanks to an evolutionary trick

For the past few years, mildew has been able to infect triticale grain, which up to then had been resistant to this fungal disease. So how was the pathogen able to spread to a different host plant? Researchers from the University ...

My car drives, parks and charges itself for me

Imagine you are rushing to catch a train but must first park your electric car inside the station garage. You lose precious time searching for a space, ideally one where you can charge your vehicle, which might cause you ...

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