Zebra finches amazing at unmasking the bird behind the song

If songbirds could appear on "The Masked Singer" reality TV competition, zebra finches would likely steal the show. That's because they can rapidly memorize the signature sounds of at least 50 different members of their flock, ...

Dull-colored birds don't see the world like colorful birds do

Fall is here, and we see the leaves turning yellow, orange or red thanks to a trick of our vision: our brains categorize colors. Scientists have learned that birds with colorful markings do this too. But what about drab birds ...

Video: One cell eating another

Watch as these two microscopic, single-celled protozoans (protists), battle it out, resulting in one eating the other. These organisms inhabit almost any body of still water (ponds, lakes, reservoirs) and the oceans, and ...

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