How tracking birds can help them, and us

Scientists track birds with electronic tags and radar to solve flight mysteries. In answering ecological questions, the research findings may also improve infrastructure planning

Social connection drives learning in bird brain

Juvenile zebra finches learn songs directly from a tutor—usually their father—through a social interaction that keeps them motivated and on-task. Young birds who simply hear the songs through a speaker, without the tutor's ...

Learning from endangered zebra stem cells

Scientists from Kyoto University's Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) and Wildlife Research Centre have produced stem cells from the endangered Grévy's zebra using human reprogramming factors. Further ...

Zebra finch males sing in dialects and females pay attention

Male zebra finches learn their song by imitating conspecifics. To stand out in the crowd, each male develops its own unique song. Because of this individual-specific song, it was long assumed that dialects do not exist in ...

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