Birds and mammals share a common brain circuit for learning

( -- Bird song learning is a model system for studying the general principles of learning, but attempts to draw parallels between learning in birds and mammals have been difficult because of anatomical brain differences ...

Cuckoo chicks in Zebra finches

( -- Some female zebra finches foist a part of their eggs on their neighbours. Scientists of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen discovered that in every fifth nest there is one egg that is not ...

Darwin's finch and the evolution of smell

Darwin's finches - some 14 related species of songbirds found on the Galapagos and Cocos Islands - will forever be enshrined in history for having planted the seeds of the theory of evolution through natural selection. Today, ...

Cooperative behavior is for the birds

( -- Cooperative behaviors are rare in the animal kingdom and remain a great enigma for evolutionary biologists. A new study by Frederique Dubois, a professor at the University of Montreal Department of Biology ...

Fathers are no role models

( -- Female zebra finches do not only differ in the way they chose their mate but also in their preference for a partner.

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