Related topics: adolescents

Researchers seek to create 'fountain of youth'

( -- The same principles that a Biodesign Institute research team has successfully applied to remove harmful contaminants from the environment may one day allow people to clean up the gunk from their bodies—and ...

What happens to the young and educated without a job?

( -- A new study led by the University of Oxford is looking at how young educated people who are unemployed become politicized in different ways - either through violent struggle or as reformers working for a ...

Can AI prevent the spread of HIV in homeless youth?

There are nearly 2 million youth who spend at least one night homeless each year in the United States. An estimated 7 percent of homeless youth are likely to be HIV positive.

What does davos really do? Analyzing the World Economic Forum

Every January, hundreds of politicians, CEOs, scientific experts, and celebrities gather for their annual meeting in the exclusive Swiss ski resort of Davos to "improve the state of the world." Yet, the World Economic Forum's ...

School segregation harms Black children's health, well-being

Black youth who attend racially segregated schools are more likely to have behavior problems and to drink alcohol than Black youth in less segregated schools, according to a UC San Francisco study published in Pediatrics.

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