Related topics: adolescents

'Fountain of youth' for leaves discovered

What plant scientists call senescence, consumers experience as wilted produce and overripe fruit. A team led by Cornell horticulture professor Su-Sheng Gan has identified an enzymatic fountain of youth that slows the process ...

Age and the decline in crime

( —Probation officers see firsthand the effect age has on crime. Typically, an offender will commit fewer crimes as he or she ages.  

Right-wing extremism in Norway—changes and challenges

As a researcher, I have followed various extreme right groups and movements in Norway and Scandinavia during the last 30 years. There have been some significant changes during this time – changes that have an impact on ...

Giant tobacco plants that stay young forever

Tobacco plants bloom when they are just a few months old – and then they die. Now, researchers have located a genetic switch which can keep the plants young for years and which permits unbounded growth. In short, an ideal ...

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