Related topics: adolescents

Young people face double penalty in a slow job market

The latest official unemployment figures show that unemployment among young people has soared to 22.3 per cent, higher than the recession of the 1990s, while the overall unemployment rate is nine per cent. New research from ...

What happens to the young and educated without a job?

( -- A new study led by the University of Oxford is looking at how young educated people who are unemployed become politicized in different ways - either through violent struggle or as reformers working for a ...

Adolescent boys more prone to delinquency without a father

( -- Adolescent boys are more prone to delinquency if they do not have a father figure in their lives, a University of Melbourne study has found, while adolescent girls seem unaffected by the presence or absence ...

Actress sues Amazon for revealing her age on IMDb

(AP) -- An actress is suing in federal court in Seattle for more than $1 million for revealing her age on its Internet Movie Database website and refusing to remove the reference when asked.

Study 'changes our understanding' of youth voting behavior

Low-income youth are more apt to vote if they are engaged in political activism and influenced by friends and family, according to a study by Michigan State University education scholars that sheds new light on voting behavior.

New ways to reduce bullying and youth violence

Many children and adolescents suffer physically and mentally from being bullied or physically attacked and threatened by their peers. A conference at Cambridge University will bring together researchers from across Europe ...

Tough dogs not merely gang weapons

Youths in groups or gangs choose to own dogs primarily for socializing and companionship. Dogs are also used for protection and enhancing status, but to a lesser extent, contrary to popular perception. The research by Jennifer ...

Family largely ignored in Canada's response to youth homelessness

The role of family in ending youth homelessness is largely ignored in Canada, according to a report released today by York University, though there is evidence that family reconnection works in Australia and the United Kingdom ...

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