Young people most likely to see career benefits to remote working

Despite warnings that working from home will be detrimental to young people's careers, young people themselves are particularly likely to feel that remote working has benefits that could help their career progression, according ...

Study: The bold, not the capable, make the most of big cities

Big cities may offer the best jobs, the most compelling experiences, and the most exciting opportunities. But there is a cost: With higher housing and living costs, cities are only affordable by those able to secure the best ...

As heatwaves become more extreme, which jobs are riskiest?

Heat is more dangerous than the cold in most Australian regions. About 2% of deaths in Australia between 2006 and 2017 were associated with the heat, and the estimate increases to more than 4% in the northern and central ...

'Values gap' in workplace can lead millennials to look elsewhere

Much has been made in popular culture about millennials as they join the working world, including their tendency to "job hop." Although this behavior often is explained as a loyalty issue, new research from the University ...

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