Could we learn to love slugs and snails in our gardens?

Before you squash or poison the next slug or snail you see in your garden, consider this: The British Royal Horticultural Society no longer classifies these gastropods as pests. Why on earth would a leading gardening organization ...

Monster wildfire tests years of forest management efforts

Ecologists in a vast region of wetlands and forest in remote Oregon have spent the past decade thinning young trees and using planned fires to try to restore the thick stands of ponderosa to a less fire-prone state.

Passive rewilding can rapidly expand UK woodland at no cost

A long-term passive rewilding study has shown that natural woodland regeneration could make a significant contribution to meeting the UK's ambitious tree planting targets—potentially at no cost and within relatively short ...

Yemen's unique 'dragon's blood' island under threat

Centuries-old umbrella-shaped dragon's blood trees line the rugged peaks of Yemen's Socotra—a flagship symbol of the Indian Ocean archipelago's extraordinary biodiversity, but also a bleak warning of environmental crisis.

Limited value of tree plantations for biodiversity conservation

In light of declining natural forests, tree plantations may seem like a good way to replace forest habitats. But what are the possible benefits of these plantations for biological diversity? A team of researchers led by led ...

Emerald ash borer puts trees on path to functional extinction

Since the emerald ash borer's introduction to the United States at the beginning of the 21st century, forest ecologists and government officials have striven to stem its destruction of ash forests. Despite those efforts, ...

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