Chandra finds evidence for stellar cannibalism

Evidence that a star has recently engulfed a companion star or a giant planet has been found using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. The likely existence of such a "cannibal" star provides new insight into how stars and ...

Astronomers finally measure polarized light from exoplanet

An international team led by Dutch astronomers has, after years of searching and defying the boundaries of a telescope, for the first time directly captured polarized light from an exoplanet. They can deduct from the light ...

For newborn planets, solar systems are naturally baby-proof

Numerical simulations by a group of astronomers, led by Mario Flock from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, have shown that young planetary systems are naturally "baby-proof": Physical mechanisms combine to keep young ...

Planet-forming disks evolve in surprisingly similar ways

A group of astronomers, led by Sierk van Terwisga from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, have analyzed the mass distribution of over 870 planet-forming disks in the Orion A cloud. By exploiting the statistical properties ...

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