Related topics: adolescents · alcohol · young people · older adults · health

Young California voters shun party affiliation

(—Young adults in California registered to vote in record numbers in 2012, especially online, driving a trend toward no party affiliation, according to a new University of California, Davis, study.

Eating or spending too much? Blame it on Facebook

Participating in online social networks can have a detrimental effect on consumer well-being by lowering self-control among certain users, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

'Wake-up call' for higher education

Joseph E. Aoun, pres­i­dent of North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, said America's higher-​​education system has flour­ished because of its social com­pact with the country's cit­i­zens. As part of that agree­ment, insti­tu­tions ...

Gen Y's dirty little secret

Young adults who live at home into adulthood still rely on their mothers to do housework, new research has found.

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