Earthworms contribute to 6.5% of global grain production

Earthworms are important drivers of global food production, contributing to approximately 6.5% of grain yield and 2.3% of legumes produced worldwide each year, according to new work published by Colorado State University ...

Heat stress to bring big changes to the US corn belt

Climate change will bring new challenges for farmers as growing zones shift, and preparing for these shifts is vital for future food security worldwide. New research from UConn Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ...

Optimizing molecular photoswitches for solar energy harvesting

Molecular photoswitches that can both convert and store energy could be used to make solar energy harvesting more efficient. A team of researchers has used a quantum computing method to find a particularly efficient molecular ...

Novel enzyme could boost sustainable production of aviation fuel

In recent decades, scientists have sought solutions to improve the sustainable production of biofuels from renewable sources. The latest advance in this field was announced at the end of May by Brazilian researchers and could ...

Genetic blueprint for vaccine and therapeutics production in plants

An international research project led by QUT has made a major step forward on the potential of the Australian plant, N. benthamiana, to grow therapeutic proteins and vaccines cheaply and quickly. The research, titled "A multi-omic ...

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