Earth-sized planet found just 72 light years away

An international team of astronomers has confirmed the existence of K2-415b, an Earth-sized exoplanet circling an M dwarf star, just 72 light years away from Earth. The group has also collected some statistics regarding both ...

The secret life of brain worms

A neurosurgeon in Canberra removed a nematode that was living inside a person's brain in 2022.

First symbiotic star detected by Gaia satellite

An international team of astronomers reports that the transient Gaia18aen discovered by ESA's Gaia spacecraft turns out to be a symbiotic star. This makes it the first symbiotic star identified by this astrometric satellite. ...

Tidal debris detected in a nearby galaxy group

Using the MeerKAT telescope, an international team of astronomers has identified wide-spread tidal debris in a nearby galaxy group known as NGC 7232. The newly found structure is composed of cold neutral atomic hydrogen and ...

Two intermediate polars investigated by astronomers

By analyzing the long-term, high-cadence continuous photometry from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), astronomers have investigated UU Columbae and Swift J0939.7-3224—two intermediate polars. Results ...

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