While consoles slug it out, mobiles games zip in

The big three game console makers brought their latest kick-ass wares to the industry's annual get-together this week, but some question their future amid an explosion of super-nimble mobile gaming.

Xbox 360 with Kinect shows off new tricks at E3

Microsoft on Monday added YouTube, voice commands, television shows and more to its Xbox 360 with Kinect as the hot-selling videogame console matures into an entertainment center for all.

Video game sales rise in April on stronger lineup

(AP) -- Sales of console and portable video games grew 26 percent in April versus last year, a rise that a market research group that tracks the figures attributes to a stronger lineup of games such as "Mortal Kombat 2011" ...

Pico projector used in eye based video gaming system

(PhysOrg.com) -- Students at the University of Texas in Austen are playing video games. Honestly, that is really not news. Students all over the country are playing video games, usually when they should be studying. In this ...

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