Changing-look events observed in the galaxy NGC 5273

Astronomers have analyzed new and archival multiwavelength observations of the active galaxy NGC 5273. As a result, they detected so-called "changing-look" events in the active galactic nucleus of this galaxy. The finding ...

Black hole burps up shredded star

In October 2018, a small star was ripped to shreds when it wandered too close to a black hole in a galaxy located 665 million light years away from Earth. Though it may sound thrilling, the event did not come as a surprise ...

X-ray light catchers for space just got a whole lot lighter

A team led by scientists from Tokyo Metropolitan University have created unprecedentedly lightweight optics for X-ray space telescopes, breaking the traditional trade-off between angular resolution and weight. They used Micro ...

Examining the supermassive black hole in our galaxy

The supermassive black hole (SMBH) at our galaxy's core, Sagittarius A*, is modest in size with only 4.15 million solar-masses. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) recently released a dramatic submillimeter image of it as seen ...

China announces its new flagship space telescope mission

Distant galaxies, dark matter, dark energy and the origin and evolution of the universe itself are some of the many scientific goals of China's newly announced space telescope. If all goes according to plan, the China Space ...

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