Reading the zip codes of 3,500-year-old letters

Unfortunately, when ancient kings sent letters to each other, their post offices didn't record the sender's return address. It takes quite a bit of super-sleuthing by today's archaeologists to determine the geographical ...

Silicon can be made to melt in reverse

Like an ice cube on a warm day, most materials melt -- that is, change from a solid to a liquid state -- as they get warmer. But a few oddball materials do the reverse: They melt as they get cooler. Now a team of researchers ...

NASA Instrument Will Identify Clues to Martian Past

( -- NASA's Curiosity rover, coming together for a late 2011 launch to Mars, has a newly installed component: a key onboard X-ray instrument for helping the mission achieve its goals. Researchers will use Curiosity ...

Soup can reopens mystery of doomed Franklin Expedition

( -- Lead levels that are "off the scale" have been confirmed after tests were done this morning on the lid of a soup can dating back more than 150 years. The findings reopen the mystery surrounding the cause ...

Scientists Generate Black Hole Radiation in the Lab

( -- Due to their violent nature and long distance from Earth, black holes and their surroundings are very difficult to study. Currently, the main method to observe a black hole is to use an X-ray satellite to ...

New analyzers to unlock mineral value

Scientists are working on a new range of materials characterisation analysers and techniques that could help unlock the value contained in Australia's mineral deposits and improve processing performance, according to the ...

Breaking Down the Barrier for Smaller, Faster Electronic Devices

( -- A team of international researchers is the first to uncover the chemical composition and structure of a microelectronics element that is vital to producing ever smaller - and, thus, cheaper and faster - devices.

X-rays used to reveal secrets of famous fossil

( -- About 150 million years ago, an evolutionarily hybrid creature, a dinosaur on its way to becoming a bird, died in what is now Germany, and become fossilized in limestone.

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