Suzaku catches retreat of a black hole's disk

( -- Studies of one of the galaxy's most active black-hole binaries reveal a dramatic change that will help scientists better understand how these systems expel fast-moving particle jets.

Forecasting the hunt for the first supermassive black holes

It is believed that the formation and growth of most galaxies across the history of the universe has been fueled by supermassive black holes growing together with their host galaxy as they collect matter to attain millions ...

Suzaku Finds 'Fossil' Fireballs from Supernovae

( -- Studies of two supernova remnants using the Japan-U.S. Suzaku observatory have revealed never-before-seen embers of the high-temperature fireballs that immediately followed the explosions. Even after thousands ...

NASA's Chandra notices the galactic center is venting

Using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have located an exhaust vent attached to a "chimney" of hot gas blowing away from the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Their paper describing these results is published in ...

New material captures carbon dioxide

A new material that can selectively capture carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules and efficiently convert them into useful organic materials has been developed by researchers at Kyoto University, along with colleagues at the University ...

Massive Black Hole Implicated in Stellar Destruction

( -- New results from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Magellan telescopes suggest that a dense stellar remnant has been ripped apart by a black hole a thousand times as massive as the Sun. If confirmed, ...

X-Ray Emission from Young Stars

( -- The star TW Hydrae is located about 150 light-years from earth in the direction of the constellation of Hydrae, the Water Snake. This star is relatively young -- at about 10 million years old it has passed ...

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