Where are the tools for scientific writing?

Writing a scientific research paper is tough at the best of times regardless of funding conditions and political intervention. As such, a scientist will turn to any tool they might find to help with this generally arduous ...

Essay Genome Project applies algorithmic analysis to writing

Just like the Human Genome Project maps out DNA to understand the human body, the Essay Genome Project analyzes defining characteristics of essays for similarities between a student's work and a well-known classic or contemporary ...

How not to write about science

Amid the many calls for scientists to engage with the general public, there are some who feel that scientists ought to remain aloof and disconnected from the broader public.

'Flipped' classrooms improve physics education

A feather is dropped on the moon from a height of 1.40 metres. The acceleration of gravity on the moon is 1.67 m/s2. Determine the time for the feather to fall to the surface of the moon.

Groundbreaking national study supports enhanced uses of writing

A major study linking writing to undergraduate learning and development shows that three features of writing assignments—an interactive writing process, a meaning-making writing task and clear writing expectations—are ...

Singing's secret power: The Ice-breaker Effect

We have long known the power of a good sing-along. Now, research from the University of Oxford has shown that singing is a great ice-breaker and can get groups of people to bond together more quickly than other activities ...

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