Related topics: wound healing

3D bio-printers to print skin and body parts

( -- The range of uses for three-dimensional printers is increasing all the time, but now scientists are developing 3D "bioprinters" that will be able to print out skin, cartilage, bone, and other body parts.

Cold plasma will heal non-healing wounds

Russian scientists have found that treating cells with cold plasma leads to their regeneration and rejuvenation. This result can be used to develop a plasma therapy program for patients with non-healing wounds. The paper ...

Researchers watch skin cells 'walk' to wounds

Skin cells typically spend their entire existence in one place on your body. But Washington State University researchers have seen how the cells will alter the proteins holding them in place and move to repair a wound.

A hydrogel that can stop bleeding from an artery

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in China has developed a hydrogel that can stop bleeding from a punctured artery. In their paper published in the journal Nature Communications, the group describes ...

Researchers find the healing properties of a spider’s web

( -- The study of spider webs has led to a discovery that will generate new kinds of medical sutures embedded with medication. The University of Akron scientists have developed a novel synthetic material similar ...

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