High-tech wound dressing fights infection in mouse trial

(Phys.org) -- An ultra-thin layer of polymer impregnated with a surgical anti-bacterial aided healing by preventing infection in a mouse study performed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Infections detected by new dressing

Wounds have to be regularly checked, to make sure any complications in the healing process are detected at an early stage. A new material will make it possible to check wounds without changing the dressing: If an infection ...

Researchers 'design' therapeutic coatings of silver

(PhysOrg.com) -- Swiss researchers have demonstrated how they can adjust process conditions to influence the properties of novel plasma polymer coatings containing silver nanoparticles. Tailor-made films can be generated ...

A second skin

Despite advances in treatment regimens and the best efforts of nurses and doctors, about 70% of all people with severe burns die from related infections. But a revolutionary new wound dressing developed at Tel Aviv University ...

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