A French nuclear exit?

France has been held up, worldwide, as the forerunner in using nuclear fission to produce electricity. However, a third of the nation's nuclear reactors will need replacing in the next decade, and public opinion has shifted ...

Canadian says he unraveled WWII pigeon code

(Phys.org)—British intelligence officials were baffled last month by a secret World War II message which a man had discovered on the leg of a dead pigeon when renovating his chimney in Surrey, England. He had found pigeon ...

Austria probes gruesome fate of Nazi-era disabled

(AP)—Forensic crews scraping away dirt from the remains of the Nazi-era psychiatric patients were puzzled: The skeletal fingers were entwined in rosary beads. Why, the experts wondered, would the Nazis—who considered ...

Britain seeking 'Xbox generation' spies (Update)

Britain launched a new spy recruitment drive on Thursday aimed at "Xbox generation" youngsters without a university education but with social media and computer game skills to counter the threat of cyber attack.

Physicist, former Caltech provost Christy dies

(AP)—California Institute of Technology officials say Robert F. Christy, a former professor and administrator who helped design the trigger mechanism for the atomic bombs used in World War II, has died. He was 96.

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