Physicist pursues superconductivity mysteries

More than a quarter of a century after its discovery, high-temperature superconductivity still challenges condensed matter physicists. For Binghamton's Pegor Aynajian, the key to unlocking the mystery—which will ultimately ...

Single laser stops molecular tumbling motion instantly

In the quantum world, making the simple atom behave is one thing, but making the more complex molecule behave is another story. Now Northwestern University scientists have figured out an elegant way to stop a molecule from ...

Climate change: meteorologists preparing for the worst

Intense aerial turbulence, ice storms and scorching heatwaves, huge ocean waves—the world's climate experts forecast apocalyptic weather over the coming decades at a conference in Montreal that ended Thursday.

Science academies explain global warming reality

(AP)—Man-made global warming is worsening and will disrupt both the natural world and human society, warns a joint report of two of the world's leading scientific organizations.

2013 sixth hottest year, UN says (Update)

Last year tied for the sixth hottest on record, confirming that Earth's climate system is in the grip of warming that will affect generations to come, the UN's weather agency said Wednesday.

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