Fish luring devices divide Asia-Pacific tuna meet

Tuna-harvesting nations of the Pacific argued at a key meeting in Manila Tuesday over how best to regulate devices that attract the giant fish, amid growing concern over depleted stocks, officials said.

Why are so many climate records breaking all at once?

In the past few weeks, climate records have shattered across the globe. July 4 was the hottest global average day on record, breaking the new record set the previous day. Average sea surface temperatures have been the highest ...

EU fish discard ban agreed -- for 2019

After 20 hours of talks into the early hours Wednesday, Europe's fisheries ministers finally struck a compromise deal to save the oceans from overfishing -- but failed to satisfy environmentalists.

'Forever chemicals' latch onto sea spray to become airborne

When ocean waves break, microscopic particles break free into the air. For beachgoers, aerosolized sea salts contribute to the tousled "beach hair" look. But other compounds found in seawater, including perfluoroalkyl substances ...

Addressing the ocean deoxygenation crisis

While landlubbing house hunters sure don't have it easy these days, there's another community—one that dwarfs the human population in size—that is also suffering the woes of shrinking real estate: animals that live in ...

Wind 'fights' Leeuwin to provide nutrient rich waters

Researchers investigating the Ningaloo Reef's circulation patterns have discovered that periodic, local wind-driven currents are still strong enough to generate upwelling, providing important nutrients from the seabed to ...

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