Climate change: meteorologists preparing for the worst

Intense aerial turbulence, ice storms and scorching heatwaves, huge ocean waves—the world's climate experts forecast apocalyptic weather over the coming decades at a conference in Montreal that ended Thursday.

2013 sixth hottest year, UN says (Update)

Last year tied for the sixth hottest on record, confirming that Earth's climate system is in the grip of warming that will affect generations to come, the UN's weather agency said Wednesday.

World ocean systems undermined by climate change by 2100

An ambitious new study describes the full chain of events by which ocean biogeochemical changes triggered by manmade greenhouse gas emissions may cascade through marine habitats and organisms, penetrating to the deep ocean ...

Wind 'fights' Leeuwin to provide nutrient rich waters

Researchers investigating the Ningaloo Reef's circulation patterns have discovered that periodic, local wind-driven currents are still strong enough to generate upwelling, providing important nutrients from the seabed to ...

Fukushima radioactive plume to reach US in three years

The radioactive ocean plume from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant disaster will reach the shores of the US within three years from the date of the incident but is likely to be harmless according to new paper in the journal ...

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