Meteorologists targeted in climate misinfo surge

Once trusted faces on the news, meteorologists now brave threats, insults and slander online from conspiracy theorists and climate change deniers who accuse them of faking or even fixing the weather.

Names Fiona, Ian removed from UN's hurricane roster

The death and destruction caused by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian last year has prompted the UN weather agency to remove the names from a rotating list of storm titles, it said Wednesday.

Freddy may break tropical cyclone record: UN

Tropical storm Freddy is on track to break the record as the longest-lasting cyclone of its kind, the United Nations said Friday, as the killer storm was set to hit Mozambique once again.

East coast African states ail from too much, too little rain

Surrounded by miles of dried land and what remains of his famished livestock, Daniel Lepaine is a worried man. Dozens of his goats in Ngong, a town in southern Kenya, have died after three years of harrowing drought in the ...

La Nina ending but warming El Nino may strike soon: UN

An exceptionally long La Nina weather phenomenon that intensified drought and flooding is finally ending, the United Nations said Wednesday—but what comes next might bring its own problems.

Spain sees hottest year on record in 2022

Spain in 2022 experienced the hottest year since records began, the country's national weather service said Monday, adding that several northern cities were also unseasonably warm on New Year's Day 2023.

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