Ethiopian dam spurs debate

The mud-coloured Omo River which snakes through green gorges, feeding lush vegetation and providing vital water to one of Ethiopia's most remote regions, will also power a contentious dam project.

Great Barrier Reef heading for danger: UNESCO

UNESCO on Saturday urged decisive action from Australia to protect the Great Barrier Reef from a gas and mining boom, warning it risked being put on its list of world heritage sites deemed "in danger".

Fishermen blast premier dive sites off Indonesia

(AP) -- Coral gardens that were among Asia's most spectacular, teeming with colorful sea life just a few months ago, have been transformed into desolate gray moonscapes by fishermen who use explosives or cyanide to kill ...

Scientists name Dorset crocodile after Kipling

( -- A superbly preserved 130-million-year-old crocodile skull, discovered at Swanage in Dorset in 2009, has been described as belonging to a species new to science in a paper by researchers at the University ...

Scientists name two new species of horned dinosaur

Two new horned dinosaurs have been named based on fossils collected from Alberta, Canada. The new species, Unescopceratops koppelhusae and Gryphoceratops morrisoni, are from the Leptoceratopsidae family of horned dinosaurs. ...

Climate change threatens Seychelles habitat

Bursts of torrential rain lash the idyllic white beaches of the Seychelles, where conservationists fear that rare species such as the giant tortoise are at severe risk from climate change.

Sound effects inspired Stonehenge: US scientist

Ancient legends of thunder gods can be explained today with the modern science of sound waves, said a US scientist on Thursday who believes an auditory illusion inspired the creation of Stonehenge.

More than 100 baby seals rescued on Dutch coast

A Dutch marine rescue centre for baby seals said Friday more than 100 of the sea mammal pups had washed up along the country's northern coastline after recent storms.

Wildfire threatens Reunion Island national park

French authorities sent reinforcements Monday to battle a wildfire raging through the national park of Reunion Island, a unique ecosystem designated a World Heritage Site.

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