Central America tests drought-resistant 'miracle' beans

"These beans are miraculous because they beat droughts," crowed Manuel Ceren, a farmer in El Salvador trying out a hybrid, climate change-defying crop produced by Salvadoran, Colombian and Honduran experts.

2020 Nobel Peace ceremony won't be held in person in Oslo

The winner of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize—the World Food Program—and the Norwegian Nobel Committee said Wednesday they have jointly agreed to postpone the in-person award ceremony in Oslo next month because of the coronavirus ...

Rockefeller's $105M plan to produce climate-friendly food

The pandemic sent global hunger soaring, but now the war in Ukraine is making the problem far worse. Since Russia and Ukraine together supply 30% of global wheat exports, a big chunk of the world is losing access to food.

Norway gives quarantine exemption to 2020 Nobel winners

The Norwegian government has granted an exemption from its two-week quarantine requirement for arriving visitors so representatives from the winner of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize - the World Food Program - can attend the Dec. ...

In harsh corner of Uganda, herders fight climate change

The sun is setting over Karamoja. Time for the nomadic herders to return their cattle to thorn-ringed enclosures. They've roamed since first light, searching for pasture in Uganda's poorest region where water and grazing ...

40 million more faced acute hunger in 2021: UN

The number of people facing hunger rose to 193 million last year as conflict, climate change and economic crises ravaged people's livelihoods, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization said Wednesday.

UN: climate change costs to poor underestimated

(AP)—The cost to poor countries of adjusting to ever-hotter temperatures will be two or even three times higher than previously thought, the U.N.'s environment agency said Friday—and that assumes a best-case scenario ...

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