Related topics: twitter

Weight, height, and experience key to Rugby World Cup success

Rugby teams with the tallest backs, heaviest forwards, and greatest amount of collective experience are likely to be the most successful at World Cup level, reveals research published online in the British Journal of Sports ...

China lifts Great Firewall for golf World Cup

International golf stars, spectators and media at the World Cup on the southern Chinese island of Hainan are enjoying uncensored Internet access denied to 1.3 billion Chinese.

Robots may dominate rugby by 2050

Elite athletes with bionic implants, built-in chips to monitor their performance and shirts embedded with nanotechnology medicines to heal minor injuries could be taking the field for the 2051 Rugby World Cup.

Women's World Cup final breaks Twitter record

(AP) -- The Women's World Cup final between Japan and the United States set the record for tweets per second, eclipsing the wedding of Prince William and Kate and the death of Osama bin Laden.

World Cup Twitter ban for All Blacks

All Blacks players have been banned from communicating directly with fans via Twitter during this year's World Cup, amid fears the microblogging website will prove a distraction during the tournament.

World Cup for tweet generation

Desperate appeals in the aftermath of the New Zealand earthquake, cheeky match predictions or just reporting the day-to-day minutiae of a very long tournament.

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