Gender divide hits working from home

Women work from home to take on more childcare duties while men just want to get away from the distractions of the office, according to new UNSW research to be presented today at the Australian Social Policy Conference.

Report: Illegal overtime on Apple assembly line

(AP) -- Workers who assemble iPhones and iPads often put in more than 60 hours per week -and sometimes work for a week straight- in violation of Chinese law, according to the first independent labor audit of the Chinese ...

Has technology made life easier for working moms?

Want to know what mainstream America's ideal moms looked like 50 years ago? Tune into television shows of that era such as Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, and The Donna Reed Show and you'll find the ladies of those ...

Smartphone app lets workers track wages

(AP) -- Workers who don't trust the boss to keep track of their wages can now do it themselves with a new smartphone application from the Department of Labor. But employers worry that the time sheet app, along with other ...

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