Concerns over police head injuries

Head injuries may be worryingly common among police officers, according to a new pilot study led by the University of Exeter.

Four-day working week movement gathers momentum

A four-day working week continues to gain favor, says Head of Work and Pay at the New Economics Foundation think tank in the UK, Alice Martin, speaking ahead of her appearance at Swinburne's Society 4.0 Conference.

Preventing toxic work environments through ethical leadership

Recently published research from SDSU management professor, Dr. Gabi Eissa and University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire management professor, Dr. Rebecca Wyland, shows that "managers who demonstrate ethical leadership through ...

Relax or learn? Coping with stress at work

Work stress can lead to a whole host of problems for employees and organizations. While our own intuition and some studies suggest the value of relaxation techniques such as meditation or exercise, there's another alternative ...

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