Shoots and roots respond differently to climate change

A new synthesis conducted by a group of international scientists including Madhav P. Thakur from the University of Bern reveals mismatches between above and belowground plant phenology due to climate change. These findings ...

Engineered yeast could expand biofuels' reach

Boosting production of biofuels such as ethanol could be an important step toward reducing global consumption of fossil fuels. However, ethanol production is limited in large part by its reliance on corn, which isn't grown ...

Rooting regulators are evolutionarily conserved

Many plants can easily be regenerated and multiplied using cuttings. Crucial is that the cutting can initiate the formation of roots, a process called adventitious rooting. Sanaria Abbas Jaafer Alallaq showed in her Ph.D. ...

Plant a pollinator garden to supply food sources after freeze

Pollinators serve a great purpose in helping pollinate plants and vegetables alike during many months of the year. Although wildflowers returned post-freeze, and many plants are beginning to show life again, most flowering ...

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