More energy from a liter of biofuel

Oil produced from biomass - such as wood chips or plant residues - seldom has the same quality and energy content as 'classical' crude oil. A new, simple catalyst, developed at the University of Twente, improves the quality ...

Wood chips to biofuel in hours

Until now, it has taken weeks to make biofuel from trees. This slow pace has been a bottleneck for the industry. Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have now shortened the process to a few ...

Pine tree carbs may help improve dogs' digestive tract health

Carbohydrates from a perhaps surprising source—pine trees—may have beneficial effects on dogs' digestive-system health, according to collaborative studies by Agricultural Research Service, university, and corporate scientists.

Wood chips help curb nitrate leaching

( -- Wood chips can significantly stem nitrate flow from crop fields into the surrounding watershed, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) study.

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