Why family businesses get more from women leaders

Family businesses account for more than 70 percent of global GDP, and survey data shows that they are much friendlier to female leadership: up to 55 percent have at least one woman on their board and 70 percent are considering ...

Judge: Social media user isn't entitled to anonymity

A social media platform can be compelled to divulge account information belonging to a woman who anonymously chatted online about plans for last summer's deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a federal ...

How a job acquires a gender (and less authority if it's female)

"I'm not bossy, I'm the boss." So proclaims Beyoncé in a video in support of the #banbossy campaign. The campaign highlights how when little boys take charge, they're often praised for being a "leader." But when little girls ...

Great snakes! Indonesians wrestle with giant python

A viral video showing a gigantic python wrapping itself around an Indonesian villager has secured more than a million views, after locals wrestled with the serpent before successfully caging it.

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