LightSquared tries to revive broadband network

A Virginia company is trying to revive its plan for a national high-speed wireless network, arguing that it can address federal regulators' concerns over interference with GPS devices.

Making the 'human-body internet' more effective

Wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth have made remote connectivity easier, and as electronics become smaller and faster, the adoption of "wearables" has increased. From smart watches to implantables, such devices ...

Ultracompact photodetector for optical data transmission

Data traffic is growing worldwide. Glass-fiber cables transmit information over long distances at the speed of light. Once they have reached their destination, however, these optical signals have to be converted into electrical ...

Dish asks FCC to let it build wireless network

(AP) -- Satellite TV broadcaster Dish Network is asking regulators to let it build a wireless broadband network. Having one would let Dish compete more effectively with cable companies that can bundle broadband and TV signals.

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