Heatwaves: Longer, hotter and more common

(Phys.org) —Australia's summer heatwaves are lasting longer and have been increasing in number over the past 60 years, a UNSW study shows.

Satellite image shows eastern US severe weather system

(Phys.org)—A powerful cold front moving from the central United States to the East Coast is wiping out spring-like temperatures and replacing them with winter-time temperatures with powerful storms in between. An image ...

California is home to extreme weather, too

California isn't going to face a superstorm like Hurricane Sandy because the Pacific Ocean is too cold to feed that kind of weather system.

Warm winter may bring pest-filled spring

(AP) -- The mild winter that has given many Northern farmers a break from shoveling and a welcome chance to catch up on maintenance could lead to a tough spring as many pests that would normally freeze have not.

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