New study may provide clues to how birds began to fly

For the first time, researchers have measured what is known as the ground effect of flying animals—and it turns out that they save a lot more energy by flying close to the ground than previously believed. The study from ...

How dragonfly wings get their patterns

Harvard researchers have developed a computational model that can mimic, with only a few, simple parameters, the complex wing patterns of a large group of distantly-related insects, shedding light on how these patterns form.

When these flies want to sniff out food and mates, they wing it

Fruit flies don't appear to use their tiny, translucent wings for optimal flight, as one might expect. The speedy appendages seem to be doing double duty, helping the insect sniff out food, mates and other important scents, ...

Host plants tell insects when to grow longer wings and migrate

Scientists at Washington State University and China Jiliang University have discovered that the quality of the host rice plant determines whether the brown planthopper, a major pest on rice in Asia, grows short wings or long ...

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