A scientific basis the 'golden rule' of pairing wines and foods

Scientists in Japan are reporting the first scientific explanation for one of the most widely known rules of thumb for pairing wine with food: "Red wine with red meat, white wine with fish." The scientists are reporting that ...

Fruit fly pest identified in wine grapes

A newly recognized pest in Oregon continues to concern fruit growers and researchers with the recent discovery of a Spotted Wing Drosophila fly in a sample of Willamette Valley wine grapes.

Genetic discovery could break wine industry bottleneck

One of the best known episodes in the 8000-year history of grapevine cultivation led to biological changes that have not been well understood - until now. Through biomolecular detective work, German researchers have uncovered ...

Taking the stress off yeast produces better wine

Turning grape juice into wine is a stressful business for yeasts. Dr Agustin Aranda from the University of Valencia, Spain has identified the genes in yeast that enable it to respond to stress and is investigating ways to ...

Israeli archaeologists find ancient bathhouse

(AP) -- The Israel Antiquities Authority says archaeologists have discovered a Byzantine-era bathhouse in the south of the country dating back more than 1,500 years.

Study explores how key gene modulates terpene aroma in grapes

A study explores the ethylene-responsive gene VviERF003's influence on glycosylated monoterpenoid synthesis in grapes, which are pivotal for the fruity and floral notes in wines. Understanding this genetic regulation provides ...

Lack of rain leaves Italy gasping

A blanket of smog covers Milan, empty reservoirs bake in Sicily and wine production is down in Piedmont as a lack of rain across Italy exacerbates pollution and sparks droughts.

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