Drought leaves mark on Chile's wines

Chile's vineyard owners are expecting a slightly different taste and aroma to the wines they produce this year as they harvest grapes during an exceptionally long drought.

Trump uncorks French wine threat in digital tax retaliation

US President Donald Trump vowed "substantial" retaliation against France on Friday for a tax targeting US tech giants, threatening to slap tariffs on French wine and blasting President Emmanuel Macron's "foolishness."

US wineries uncork Internet innovations

From iPads in vineyards to virtual tastings on Twitter, the tradition-steeped US wine industry is increasingly turning to Internet Age innovations to improve vintages and profits.

Perth beer dress goes from backyard shed to catwalk

Exactly 75 years after nylon was introduced at the World Fair in New York, a dress created from beer in a Perth backyard shed is set to premiere at the World EXPO 2015 in Milan.

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