App helps catch drunk drivers

Nearly 30 Americans a day die in vehicle crashes that involve drunk drivers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number is so appalling to Frank Vahid, a computer science professor in the Bourns ...

Velox2 challenges world cycling record in Nevada desert

It's all set to happen between 10 and 15 September: that's when TU Delft and VU University Amsterdam's Human Power Team will be making a bid to break the world cycling record, currently at 133 km/ hour. Last year Velox's ...

Local cops on front lines against product counterfeiting

Contrary to common perception, state and local police are often on the front lines against product counterfeiting, yet it's unclear how prepared they are to deal with the growing crime, according to a new report from two ...

Cashless parking

Vacant parking spaces in town are thin on the ground. Finding one is just as tiresome as making sure you have the right change for the parking machine. An adhesive microchip on the windshield will make things much easier ...

Accident protection in the windshield

Driver-assistance systems help prevent accidents. Quite simply, the more a car knows about its surroundings, the more intelligently it can respond to them. Researchers have now developed an optical sensor for the windshield ...

Lotus Plant-Inspired Dust-Busting Shield to Protect Space Gear

( -- A NASA team is developing a transparent coating that mimics the self-cleaning properties of the lotus plant to prevent dirt from sticking to the surfaces of spaceflight gear and bacteria from growing inside ...

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