Microsoft's free Windows 10 giveaway: What that means

Microsoft's new Windows 10 operating system debuts Wednesday, as the longtime leader in PC software hopes that giving the upgrade away for free will help it carve out a new role in a world where people increasingly rely on ...

Microsoft tears down walls to open up future

When CEO Steve Ballmer announced Microsoft's most sweeping reorganization in years Thursday, he said it was to make the company faster-paced and more collaborative - all the better to advance his vision of turning the software ...

PC market losing more ground to tablets

Sales of traditional desktop and mobile personal computers are expected to drop 7.6 percent this year as consumers shift to tablets and other devices, a market tracker said Thursday.

Personal computer sales slip during holiday season

Personal computer sales slipped at the end of last year, despite the holiday shopping season and the release of new Windows operating software for machines, a leading industry tracker reported.

Samsung sees 10 percent growth in PC sales

(AP)—Samsung Electronics Co. said Wednesday it expects 10 percent growth in PC sales by volume this year as it bets on new PCs that are hybrids of laptops and tablets to lift sluggish PC demand.

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