Don't fret about Conficker: Here's what to do

(AP) -- The Conficker worm, a nasty computer infection that has poisoned millions of PCs, will start ramping up its efforts Wednesday to use those machines for cybercrimes. It's unclear whether everyday PC users will even ...

Kaspersky warns phone users of PC-infecting malware

(—Kaspersky Lab has a new warning for smartphone and tablet users. Yes, it's all about Android. No, it's not like anything you've been warned about before. Lab Expert Victor Chebyshev has discovered a new attack ...

Can new Ultrabook PCs catch Air?

Everybody loved the sleek design of Ferraris in the late 1960s, back when cars were the coolest gadgets around.

Review: Windows 7 strong, but don't pay to upgrade

(AP) -- Next week, Microsoft is releasing Windows 7, a slick, much improved operating system that should go a long way toward erasing the bad impression left by its previous effort, Vista.

Google notebooks challenge Microsoft

Notebook computers powered by Google software are heading to market in a direct assault on the Windows operating system at the heart of Microsoft's technology empire.

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